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Placenta Encapsulation 

Shanti Mama Wellness Placenta Services, offers mothers an opportunity to use the placenta as

part of the birth ritual and aid in the mother's recovery after delivery. Through placenta encapsulation, the placenta is transformed from a life sustaining organ into a holistic medicine. 

Traditional Chinese Medicine has used placenta for thousands of years to augment the qi (energy), nourish the blood, and augment the kidney essence. In layman’s terms, it brings the body back into balance, replenishing what was lost during childbirth. In many cultures the placenta is considered the tree of life, and indeed, without it life would not be possible. Almost every mammal ingests their own placenta after the birth, sometimes even ignoring the young until the placenta has been completely ingested.

Some benefits of encapsulation are:


· Balancing to your hormones
· Increased milk supply
· Combats Fatigue
· Increased energy
· Recover more quickly from childbirth
· Replenish vital nutrients and hormones which were lost during childbirth
· Brings the body back into balance
· Prevents and treats the “baby blues”
· Shortens postnatal bleeding time
· Increases postnatal iron levels

· Can help ease the transition when weaning from breast feeding

· Regulate hormones during menopause (if you save some capsules for this time)

Studies show that placenta is extremely nutrient rich, high in iron, protein, vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B6 and of course, your own natural hormones, making it perfectly made for you, by you. Experts agree that the placenta retains hormones, and thus reintroducing them to your system which may ease hormonal fluctuations.


Hormones and the placenta 

The placenta is an endocrine organ, meaning it is a hormone producing organ.  The placenta begins producing hormones at 6-8 weeks gestation to help sustain pregnancy.  These hormonal levels continually increase during pregnancy, and by the third trimester there are 3 times the normal level of hormones in an expectant mother’s system.  By 4-5 days postpartum, these hormone levels will drop to below normal.  This is a huge fluctuation going from 3 times the normal level to below normal hormonal level, and this is where the healing properties of the placenta come into play.

Here are just a few of the scientifically known hormones and their functions that are produced by the placenta and are still viable and intact after delivery.  Amazingly these hormones are such that are needed postpartum, so why would the placenta naturally create postpartum hormones if not to be used to replenish the new mother’s system?

• Prolactin: promotes lactation
• Oxytocin: for pain and bonding; also known as the “love” hormone
• Interferon: stimulates the immune system to protect against infection
• Thyroid Stimulating Hormone: boosts energy and helps recover from stressful events
• Cortisone: combats stress and unlocks stores of energy
• Hemoglobin: replenishes iron deficiency and anemia
• Gammaglobulin: immune booster that helps protect against postpartum infections
• Urokinase Inhibiting Factor & Factor XIII: stops bleeding and enhances wound healing

These are just a few of the powerful healing hormones that the placenta produces, so doesn’t it make sense to safely welcome these hormones back into your system as well as your baby’s through your breast milk?




What are your credentials?

I am a trained Placenta Encapsulation Specialist though IPPA and have completed the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens for Placenta Encapsulation Specialists course. 


How is my placenta processed?

With the utmost of care and respect, your placenta will be prepared using the TCM (Traditional Chinese Method) of encapsulation. 
This form of placenta preparation is Inspired by Traditional Chinese Medicine and follows the preparation of lightly steaming the placenta before dehydration. Ginger is added to a steaming pot to aid digestion, and promote warming for the mother. The placenta is then thinly sliced, dehydrated, and ground into a fine powder. The powder is then placed into capsules.


When is the placenta prepared?

Ideally, the placenta should be started within the first 24 to 48 hours, allowing you and baby to benefit from the most potency the placenta has to offer.  Directly after the birth, the placenta should be placed in an enclosed container (the hospital will put it in a plastic container or a bag) in the refrigerator or in a lunch size cooler with ice if you are in the hospital, until it can be taken home and placed in the refrigerator or until I can get there to pick it up. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 72 hours. If you know ahead of time that it will not be prepared within that time frame, it is best to place straight into the freezer. It is very rare that I am not available to start the process within the first 24 hours.


Are there other placenta services you offer?

Placenta Tincture

You may choose this in addition to encapsulation. A small piece of placenta is placed within grain alcohol to create a tincture. This tincture can be used when the placenta pills are finished to offer a similar support to the mother.  You will need to provide 4oz of 80 proof (or higher) vodka

Placenta Art Prints 
Similar to watercolor prints. They are beautiful keepsakes of “The Tree of Life” that sustained your baby during pregnancy. All prints are safely archived on acid-free paper. 

Umbilical Keepsakes 
Each keepsake is a small piece of the umbilical cord dehydrated into either a spiral or heart shape. 


What supplies do you use and how they are stored and sanitized?
The supplies I use during the encapsulation process are all stainless steel and food-grade plastic. All equipments is washed with hot soapy water and sanitized with a bleach solution. The preparation area is fully cleaned and sanitized with bleach solution prior to and after processing of the placenta. All equipment is thoroughly washed and sanitized prior to storage and again before use.
If I have a cesarean section can I encapsulate my placenta?
Yes, absolutely. Talk with your health care provider so they know you plan to take your placenta home with you.

What do I need to provide for the processing of my placenta?
I provide all the materials necessary for preparation of the placenta. All you need to provide is your placenta and access to your kitchen.

How should the placenta be handled or treated from the time of birth until the time of processing and preparation?
If you are having a hospital birth, ask your nurse to double bag the placenta in a biohazard bag or ziplock; or in a hospital provided plastic container. I recommend bringing two of your own zip lock bags and/or a plastic food storage container. Although hospitals typically have a container for the placenta, please do not rely on the hospital to provide a container. The placenta should be put on ice and refrigerated within 2 hours following the birth. Bring a cooler to the hospital to transport the placenta to your home. Either arrange to have a friend or family member transport the placenta home after delivery. The placenta must be properly refrigerated until preparation. If the placenta will be prepared within 72 hours after delivery, then it may remain in the refrigerator. If however the placenta will not be processed until after 72 hour after delivery, then it should be placed in the back of the freezer where the temperature is most consistent.

If you are having a homebirth, ask your midwife to double bag your placenta and refrigerate it. Storage is the same as mentioned above.

As your placenta service provider I will help with pre-birth logistics and make sure you have all the resources you need for an easeful transportation of your placenta.

How long will the process take?
The process usually takes about 24 hours total, split over 2 days. I have a 48-72 hour turn around for placenta pills once I have access to your placenta. 


How should I store my capsules?
You receive your capsules in a sealed jar. I recommended that placenta capsules be refrigerated or frozen for maximum freshness. For long term storage they should be kept in the freezer, bagged inside their container within the middle of the freezer.


Does my care provider need to know that I am encapsulating?

It is helpful to talk with your care provider about your wishes for the placenta before you go into labor. If you are having a hospital birth, be sure to speak with your primary care provider ahead of time. Find out what your hospital’s policy is for the release of placenta.  Tell your primary care provider you plan to take your placenta home after birth. This should be noted in your chart and mentioned in your birth plan. You may also need to sign a release/waiver to take home your placenta.



Signing up for placenta services it easy. All you need to do is:

1) Contact Amanda with Shanti Mama Wellness Placenta Services and let me know your estimated due date,
planned location for delivery and the area where you live.

2) I will respond within 24 hours to help you get all set up. I will also
help you plan for the logistics involved with your hospital or planned place of

3)  I will help you make a plan for after your baby is born to help make the process as
simple and easy as possible.

Fill out the form below to get started!


If you're interested in placenta encapsulation, it's never too early in your pregnancy to reach out, and if your already in labor it's not too late.


The information on this page has not been evaluated by the FDA. Shanti Mama Wellness Placenta Services does not intend to make medical treatment claims. Services provided are not clinical, pharmaceutical, or intended to diagnose or treat any condition. Families who choose to utilize the services on this page take full responsibility for their own health 


Fees for services:

Encapsulation is $350 with a $50 non-refundable deposit. 


Additional services:

Placenta tincture - FREE but please provide 4oz of 80 proof (or higher) vodka

Placenta Prints - 3 prints are included ​


Pay deposit here

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Cancellation Policy

Please allow 24 hours notice when cancelling an appointment. If less than 24 hours notice is given, you will be charged for the full price of your appointment

@ 2020 Amanda Young 

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